Be’chol Lashon
Be’chol Lashon (Hebrew for “in every language”) celebrates and prioritizes diversity as a Jewish value by uplifting the historic and contemporary racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the Jewish people and in doing so, strengthens the entire Jewish community.
What We Do
We offer a variety of opportunities for individuals, families, and organizations to learn about and celebrate Jewish diversity.
Camp Be’chol Lashon
Camp Be’chol Lashon is a multicultural Jewish summer camp that teaches about global Jewish diversity, builds community leaders, and inspires a love of Judaism.
Innovation Hubs
Be’chol Lashon is honored to support projects that are aligned with Be’chol Lashon’s mission of celebrating the ethnic and racial diversity of Jewish life.
Be’chol Lashon provides training and consulting to help Jewish organizations engage in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB). We believe a comprehensive approach to DEIB can help all Jewish organizations embody welcoming and inclusive spaces.
Jewish& Stories
A Be’chol Lashon publication, Jewish& gives voice to the racial, ethnic and cultural diversity of Jewish identity and experience. It is a forum for personal reflection, discussion, and debate.
Book a Speaker
Our speakers are dynamic presenters who come from a range of racial, ethnic, and cultural Jewish backgrounds and include community leaders and pre-eminent scholars in history, philosophy, sociology, demography and other fields.
Learn With Us
Passport to Peoplehood (P2P) educational resources explore the history and traditions of Jewish communities around the world and celebrate the fact that Jews are a multicultural people.
Jewish& Stories
What We Do
We offer a variety of opportunities for individuals, families, and organizations to learn about and celebrate Jewish diversity.
Camp Be’chol Lashon
We do Jewish different! Multicultural Jewish Summer Camp since 2010.
Camp Be’chol Lashon is a multicultural Jewish leadership camp that teaches about global Jewish diversity, builds community leaders, and inspires a love of Judaism.
Innovation Hubs
Be’chol Lashon is honored to support projects that are aligned with Be’chol Lashon’s mission of celebrating the ethnic and racial diversity of Jewish life.
Be’chol Lashon provides training and consulting to help Jewish organizations engage in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB). We believe a comprehensive approach to DEIB can help all Jewish organizations embody welcoming and inclusive spaces.
Jewish& Stories
A Be’chol Lashon publication, Jewish& gives voice to the racial, ethnic and cultural diversity of Jewish identity and experience. It is a forum for personal reflection, discussion, and debate.
Book a Speaker
Our speakers are dynamic presenters who come from a range of racial, ethnic, and cultural Jewish backgrounds and include community leaders and pre-eminent scholars in history, philosophy, sociology, demography and other fields.
Learn With Us
Passport to Peoplehood (P2P) educational resources explore the history and traditions of Jewish communities around the world and celebrate the fact that Jews are a multicultural people.
Jewish& Stories
Jewish& Featured Story

Jewish& Featured Story
What Does Loving Day Mean to Me?
More Jewish& Stories
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