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Norman Stillman's Sephardi Religious Responses to Modernity is a sympathetic attempt to describe religious aspects of the Sephardi and Oriental encounter with "modernity" and the consequences of ...

A rich trove of contemporary global Jewish cuisine, featuring hundreds of stories and recipes for home cooks everywhere The Jewish Cookbook is an inspiring celebration of the diversity and ...
Phaidon Press

Internationally renowned essayist and cultural commentator Ilan Stavans spent five years traveling from across a dozen countries in Latin America, in search of what defines the Jewish ...
University of Pittsburgh Press

Recipes of My 15 Grandmothers is a collection of recipes and stories from the times of the Crypto-Jews who were hiding and pretending to be Catholic during the Spanish Inquisition while ...

They number barely a million today, less than one-tenth of the world Jewish population. But long ago, on Iberian soil, they were the magisters of their people, and the leaven of Mediterranean ...

A compilation of matters relating to the Jews of Kʻai-fêng Fu.
Paragon Book Reprint Corp

A fascinating photographic record that illustrates four historical migrations of Jews to China: Yuan dynasty Jews in Kaifeng, mid-nineteenth century Baghdadi merchants in Shanghai, early ...
China Intercontinental Press

See "Jews of Kaifeng, China" (2009) pages (1160-1167). "Jews in China" (2009) pages (1155-1159). "Jews in Shanghai"(2009) pages (1172-1176). "Jews in China"(2009) pages (1182-1185).

In this ground-breaking collection of poems, Samuels examines the beauty and contradictions of his own mixed identity with gut-wrenching narratives, humor, and passionate verve.
Write Bloody Publishing

JewAsian is a qualitative examination of the intersection of race, religion, and ethnicity in the increasing number of households that are Jewish American and Asian American. Helen Kiyong Kim ...
University of Nebraska Press

"Lovesong" is the moving account of a life and a spiritual odyssey, of a major writer's path from his boyhood as the son of a black Methodist minister in the South to his conversion to Judaism.
Arcade Publishing

What does it mean to be a Jew in the twenty-first century? Exploring the multifaceted and intensely complicated characteristics of this age-old, ever-changing community, Judaisms examines how ...
University of California Press